
December 22, 2020 Newsletter

December 22, 2020    

Winter Pruning

Many plants can be pruned in the winter.  I prefer to do most of my pruning in the winter, because with the leaves down, I can easily see the branch structure of the plant.  This allows me to choose which branches to remove to improve the health and vigor of the plant, and to remove defects (such as rubbing limbs, watersprouts, and other undesirable growth).

There is much anecdotal evidence showing that pruning too early in the winter can lead to winter injury of the plant.  We had a long, warm autumn this year, and its only been in the last couple of weeks that we actually are experiencing something close to winter temperatures.  Pruning during this warm period could have stimulated the plants to attempt to break bud, which could lead to severe winter damage if we finally get sub-freezing weather.

Additionally, fruiting plants (especially grapes) have been shown to heal poorly from pruning cuts made too early.  Fruit plants need to be pruned about 4 to 6 weeks before they break bud in the spring.  In the Evansville area, that puts us in February as the ideal time to prune these plants.

I have a good-sized list of pruning jobs lined up for this winter.  I aim to start pruning in early January, starting with ornamental plants.  If you have fruit trees, I will be aiming to get to those in February.  If you would like me to come out and give a free quote for pruning your landscape ornamentals and fruit plants, please contact me!   Tree Appraisals There are a lot of road-widening projects and underground utility construction being planned for the tri-state in the next several months.  Many of these projects will cause the removal or destruction of trees. Trees that provide shade, beauty, and enhanced landscape value to your property.  

Tree Appraisals

You are legally entitled to fair monetary compensation for the loss of your trees. Depending on the tree’s species, size, and location, it can be worth several thousands of dollars to your landscape value. Unfortunately, in my experience, most developers place little or no value on your trees.  They will offer you a miserly amount for the removal of healthy, mature trees…often insufficient to even replant!

As a Certified Arborist, I have the training and credentials to provide you with a fair and defensible appraised value for your trees and other landscape plants.  If you are facing the loss of your trees, contact me as soon as possible so that I can provide you with a landscape tree appraisal that will stand up in court.     Emerald Ash Borer Update Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is being found infesting ash trees throughout the tri-state.  All ash trees that are not protected chemically will eventually be killed by this insect.  

Emerald Ash Borer

There are several insecticides that do an excellent job protecting ash trees from EAB.  However, for trees that have a trunk diameter greater than 16 inches, the homeowner products are not very effective.  For large trees, you will need to have a licensed pesticide applicator inject insecticide into the tree.  This is not a service I am currently offering, but I can provide you with a short list of licensed applicators if you want.

I am often asked if it is worth the expense to treat an ash tree to protect it.  IF the tree is healthy; IF the tree is in a valuable location on your property; and IF the tree adds value to your property; then I would say that almost always, it is worth treating!  If you have doubts as to whether your ash tree is worthy of treating, please invite me out to examine the tree and render an opinion.

Happy Holidays!!! On behalf of my family and myself, I would like to wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and joyous holiday season.  I want to thank you for your business this past year, and I look forward to serving you in the New Year!
I’m Here to Help! If you have questions or wish to have me visit your property, please contact me!
Phone and Text Messages:  812-449-7067
Email: Larry@CaplanTree.com 
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